Dog Harness

Dog harnesses, softly padded inside, harness leather outside

Colors: black, cognac, tobacco

Dog Harness

ab 160,00 €

Preise in Euro, inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Lieferkosten

I also make bespoke items for the smaller four-legged friends, using the finest leather. Suitable for wind and weather, I focus on quality and comfort.


I use high-quality harness leather for dog harnesses. The high fat content makes the leather highly weather-resistant. Each harness is individually and optimally adapted to the physiology of the dog. This is important for the comfort.


The hand-stitched seams are of very high quality and ensure a long life time. The stainless steel or brass buckles can be combined with the different leather-colors.

Frage hier Dein individuelles Hundegeschirr an.


Are you seeking something unique made of leather, or do you wish to rejuvenate a beloved item from the past? Feel free to reach out and connect with us.

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